PMI Receives Donation of IDR 1 Billion from Fast Food Company for the Palestinian People
Sunday, 12 November 2023 15:59 IWST
Author: Choirul Arifin
Editor: Seno Tri Sulistiyono
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The Indonesian Red Cross received humanitarian donations for the Palestinian people in Gaza from PT Sarimelati Kencana Tbk, the license holder for the Pizza Hut restaurant franchise in Indonesia, worth IDR 1 billion.
The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) received donations worth Rp. 1 billion from PT. Sarimelati Kencana Tbk as the franchise holder for the Pizza Hut brand in Indonesia for distribution to affected communities in Gaza, Palestine.
The donation was symbolically received by PMI Secretary General AM Fachir at the PMI Central office in Jakarta, Friday (10/11/2023).
"We express our gratitude to Pizza Hut Indonesia for entrusting us with the distribution of donation funds to help reduce the suffering of the Palestinian people through PMI," said AM Fachir.
AM Fachir emphasized that every form of assistance, big or small, provided to Palestine is a noble task.
"We will channel this humanitarian aid through social organizations that have proven to be responsive and effective in handling victims in Gaza," he added.
On the same occasion, the President Director of PT Sarimelati Kencana Tbk., Hadian Iswara, expressed his gratitude to PMI for facilitating the distribution of aid and humanitarian donations to Palestine.
His party chose PMI because it has been proven and guaranteed in distributing humanitarian aid from the Indonesian people.
"This assistance is a channel for the aspirations of management and the extended family of Pizza Hut employees who are concerned about seeing the increasing number of residents affected by the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This assistance is a concrete manifestation of the company's commitment to humanitarian values, as well as the first step the company has taken to "lighten the burden on our brothers and sisters in Palestine," said Hadian.
Previously, humanitarian aid had also been distributed by a number of companies in Indonesia through various institutions including Baznas.
News Source:
This article was published on Tribunnews.com with the title PMI Receives Donation of IDR 1 Billion from Fast Food Company for the Palestinian People, https://www.tribunnews.com/nasional/2023/11/12/pmi-terima-donasi-rp-1-miliar-dari-perusahaan-makanan-siap-saji-untuk-rakyat-palestina.