To ensure all operational activities within the Company work seamlessly, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) become the most crucial aspect. Therefore, it is necessary to have a unit internal audit that take responsibility for auditing all operational and financial activities as well as complying with regulations.
Roles, duties, responsibilities, and authorities of Internal Audit refer to the Company’s Internal Audit Unit Charter, which was approved by the Board of Commissioners and ratified by the Board of Directors through Resolution No. 001/SK-DIR/I/2021 dated 22 January 2021. Its establishment also complies with:
FSA Regulation No. 56/POJK.03/2015 about the Establishment and Manual for Formulating Internal Audit Unit Charter; and
The IDX Regulation No. I.A and the Appendix to IDX Board of Directors’ Decision Letter No. Kep-00010/BEI/12-2021 dated 21 December 2021 regarding the Listing of Non-Stock Securities Issued by Public Listed Companies.
In 2021, The Board of Directors appointed Ibratul Ardi as The Head of Internal Audit of the Company who is considerably and demonstrates extensive experience in accounting and finance as applied by regulations.
Duties and responsibilities of Internal Audit include :
• Prepare and implement the annual internal audit plan;
• Examine and evaluate the application of internal control and risk management system under Company policies;
• Audit and review the efficiency and effectiveness of finance, accounting, operation, human resources, marketing, information technology and other business activities;
• Provide information on the audited activities, in cooperation with the Audit Committee, to all levels of management;
• Prepare audit reports and submit such reports to the President Director and Board of Commissioners; and
• Monitor, analyze and report objective recommendations for improvements and the corresponding follow-up actions.