Pursuant to the provision of Article 14 paragraph (2) of the Regulation of Financial Services Authority No. 015/POJK.04/2020 concerning Plan and Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Listed Company (“POJK 15/2020”) in conjunction with the Regulation of Financial Services Authority No. 16/POJK.04/2020 on Implementation of Electronic General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Listed Company (“POJK 16/2020”), We hereby announce to the Shareholders that the Company shall hold the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“GMS”) on Thursday dated 11 May 2023.
The Company shall perform Summon of GMS to All Shareholders through the website of E-RUPS Provider, the website of Indonesian Stock Exchange, and the website of Company on Wednesday dated 19 April 2023.
The shareholders who are eligible for attending the AGMS shall be the Shareholders whose name are recorded in Register of Shareholders of the Company on Tuesday dated 18 April 2023 (recording date) as at 16.15 Western Indonesian Time.
A Shareholder may propose an agenda of GMS provided it complies with the terms governed under Article 10 paragraph 6 of Articles of Association of the Company and Article 16 of POJK 15/2020. Submission of the proposed agenda of GMS should have been duly received by the Company’s Directors through registered letter at the latest on Wednesday dated 12 April 2023.
Pursuant to the (i) Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 53 of 2022 concerning the Prevention and Control of Corona Virus Disease 2019 in the Transition Period towards Endemic dated 30 December 2022, (ii) POJK 16/2020 and (iii) Regulation of KSEI Nomor: XI-B concerning The Procedure for the Convening of Elecronic General Meeting of Shareholders Supplemented by the Casting of Votes through Electronic General Meeting System of KSEI, it is hereby declared as follows :
a. The GMS will be held electronically only through Electronic General Meeting System Facility of KSEI (“eASY.KSEI”); and
b. The Company recommends the Shareholders to attend the GMS by declaring the power of attorney and vote electronically through eASY.KSEI. The Facility is available from the date of the Invitation to the GMS until 1 (one) business day prior to GMS, which is on Wednesday dated 11 May 2023 at 12.00 Jakarta Time.
Jakarta, 4 April 2023
Board of Directors